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Quick-Scan Runup Reduction through Coral Reef Restoration in the Seychelles (英语)

Being a small island nation, Seychelles is highly exposed to natural hazards, especially coastal erosion, coastal flooding, flash flooding, and rock fall. In an effort to improve this understanding and explore potential sites for nature-based solutions – in the form coral reef restoration in particular – to reduce coastal flood risk, the World Bank and the GFDRR have financed a quick-scan analysis for three islands of the Seychelles (Mahé, La Digue...


  • 2020/11/01

  • 报告

  • 154488

  • 1

  • 1

  • 塞舌尔,

  • Eastern and Southern Africa,

  • 2020/11/20

  • Disclosed

  • Quick-Scan Runup Reduction through Coral Reef Restoration in the Seychelles

  • coral reef restoration

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