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Republic of Congo – Poverty assessment report : education, jobs and social protection for a sustainable reduction of poverty (Vol. 2 of 2) : République du Congo - Rapport sur l’Analyse de la pauvreté : education, emplois et protection sociale pour une réduction durable de la pauvreté (法语)

This poverty assessment analyzes recent trends in monetary and nonmonetary aspects ofpoverty and economic vulnerability in the Republic of Congo (ROC), based on two nationallyrepresentative and broadly comparable household expenditure surveys conducted bythe National Institute of Statistics (NIS) in 2005 and 2011. The study determines the drivers ofpoverty reduction by systematically looking at demographic, labor, and human capital dimensions.The...

Document also available in : 英语, 英语, 法语


  • 2017/05/01

  • 贫困评估

  • 114706

  • 2

  • 2 (参阅所有文档系列)

  • 刚果共和国,

  • Western and Central Africa,

  • 2017/08/23

  • Disclosed

  • République du Congo - Rapport sur l’Analyse de la pauvreté : education, emplois et protection sociale pour une réduction durable de la pauvreté

  • Demographic and Health Survey

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