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Afghanistan resource corridor strategy and plan (达里语)

Afghanistan's vast endowment of natural resources remains largely undeveloped. The country's resources include copper, coal, iron ore, gold, oil, and gas, and possibly lithium and other minerals. Deposits of iron ore (Hajigak), copper (Aynak), and oil and gas (Amu Darya and Afghan-Tajik basins) carry the greatest potential, but another 11 mineral resources have been identified. Several deposits have already been awarded for development or are in the...

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  • 2013/06/03

  • 工作文件

  • 79635

  • 1

  • 1

  • 阿富汗,

  • 南亚,

  • 2013/07/24

  • Disclosed

  • Afghanistan resource corridor strategy and plan

  • Environmental and Social Impact

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