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Hungary - Measuring inclusive growth for enhanced development impact : Magyarországon - A társadalmi változások mérése és a fejlesztési hatások (匈牙利语)

The objective of this paper is to develop a way to monitor and track progress on social inclusion of vulnerable groups in Hungary, particularly among marginalized Roma communities. This approach will enable stakeholders to track the status of social inclusion at the sub-regional level, and can serve as a feedback mechanism on whether projects cosponsored by the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) are sufficiently targeted to disadvantaged...

Document also available in : 英语


  • 2015/03/17

  • 工作文件

  • 106789

  • 1

  • 1

  • 匈牙利,

  • 欧洲与中亚区,

  • 2016/07/08

  • Disclosed

  • Magyarországon - A társadalmi változások mérése és a fejlesztési hatások

  • social exclusion

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