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Enabling inclusive growth in Hungary : A befogadó növekedés előmozdítása Magyarországon (匈牙利语)

The report is structured as follows: section two offers a brief snapshot of Hungary’s macroeconomic situation and the most prominent equal opportunity challenges currently facing the country. This provides the backdrop for the presentation of the equal opportunity planning, implementation, and monitoring framework in section three. This is followed by an institutional ‘gap analysis’ on the key challenges that arise in the context of planning and implementing...

Document also available in : 英语


  • 2015/03/17

  • 工作文件

  • 106788

  • 1

  • 1

  • 匈牙利,

  • 欧洲与中亚区,

  • 2016/07/08

  • Disclosed

  • A befogadó növekedés előmozdítása Magyarországon

  • Managing Environment Resources for Transition

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