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Guatemala : Policies for Business Recovery, Jobs and Economic Transformation (英语)

The objective of this report is to inform public policies in Guatemala related to business recovery, jobs, and economic transformation. Analysis and actionable policy recommendations are provided in five complementary areas: 1) business regulatory environment; 2) access to productive finance; 3) foreign direct investment; 4) participation in global value chains; and 5) innovation and entrepreneurship. Reforms in these areas can help address Guatemala’s...

Document also available in : 英语


  • 2021/08/31

  • 报告

  • 166735

  • 1

  • 中美洲,

  • 拉丁美洲与加勒比海区,

  • 2021/12/08

  • Disclosed

  • Guatemala : Policies for Business Recovery, Jobs and Economic Transformation

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