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Ceļā uz Jaunu Akadēmiskās Karjeras Ietvaru Latvijā : Sasniegt Izcilību caur Profesionālo Attīstību un Labu Cilvēkresursu (拉脱维亚语)

In recent years, Latvia has made significant progress in reforming its higher education system. However, stakeholders are of the opinion that Latvia’s system of academic careers, which features two distinct tracks for teaching and research in which the former predominates, needs to be modernized and benchmarked against peer systems and international best practice. There are also additional challenges to the reform of academic careers. These include...

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  • 2022/06/15

  • 报告

  • 172614

  • 1

  • 拉脱维亚,

  • 欧洲与中亚区,

  • 2022/06/16

  • Disclosed

  • 2022/06/16

  • Ceļā uz Jaunu Akadēmiskās Karjeras Ietvaru Latvijā : Sasniegt Izcilību caur Profesionālo Attīstību un Labu Cilvēkresursu

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