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Struggling with the Rain : Weather Variability and Food Insecurity Forecasting in Mauritania (英语)

Weather-related shocks and climate variability contribute to hampering progress toward poverty reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa. Droughts have a direct impact on weather-dependent livelihood means and the potential to affect key dimensions of households’ welfare, including food consumption. Yet, the ability to forecast food insecurity for intervention planning remains limited and current approaches mainly rely on qualitative methods. This paper incorporates...


  • 2023/05/30

  • 政策研究报告

  • WPS10457

  • 1

  • 毛里塔尼亚,

  • Western and Central Africa,

  • 2023/05/30

  • Disclosed

  • Struggling with the Rain : Weather Variability and Food Insecurity Forecasting in Mauritania

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