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République du Congo - Mémorandum Economique du Pays : En Route vers la Prospérité - Bâtir les Fondations de la Diversification Economique : Messages Clés (法语)

The Republic of Congo (ROC) is at a critical juncture in its development history. ROC’s seven-year recession, spurred by the end of the last commodity super cycle, has led to a dramatic drop in income per capita and put the country at risk of falling back into low-income status. The country has made little progress in reducing the dominant role of oil in its economy and creating formal sector jobs. The enduring reliance on oil revenues has left the...

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  • 2023/03/01

  • 简介

  • 180781

  • 1

  • 刚果共和国,

  • Western and Central Africa,

  • 2023/03/10

  • Disclosed

  • République du Congo - Mémorandum Economique du Pays : En Route vers la Prospérité - Bâtir les Fondations de la Diversification Economique : Messages Clés

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