AFRICA- P172425- Competitive Value Chains for Jobs and
Economic Transformation Project - Procurement Plan
CI-Competitive Value Chains For Jobs And
Economic Transformation P -- P172425
Financial Infrastructure and Access,Global value chains,Rural Markets,Business Enabling Environment,Jobs,Urban and Rural Development,Climate change,Job Quality,MSME Development,Active Labor Market Programs,Land Administration and Management,Rural Infrastructure and service delivery,Labor Market Policy and Programs,Regulation and Competition Policy,Pandemic Response,Private Sector Development,Enterprise Development,Finance,Disease Control,Environment and Natural Resource Management,MSME Finance,Financial inclusion,Rural Development,ICT Solutions,Skills Development,Land Policy and Tenure,ICT,Human Development and Gender,Investment and Business Climate,Job Creation,Entrepreneurship,Mitigation
ICT Services,Public Administration - Industry, Trade and Services,Central Government (Central Agencies),Agricultural markets, commercialization and agri-business,Other Industry, Trade and Services
TF0C3477-WB WeFi_Expanding Access to
finance for WSMEs in Côte dâIvoire
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