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Productive Longevity: What Can the World Bank Do to Foster Longer and More Productive Working Lives? - Rethink Social Protection and Jobs in an Actively Aging World (英语)

Recognizing that this agenda spans virtually all of the World Bank’s policy areas, this brief focuses on policies under the purview of the World Bank’s Social Protection and Jobs (SPJ) agenda, especially those related to employment and skills development. Within the Bank, the productive longevity agenda is nascent. Although L/MICs are experiencing significant and rapid demographic changes, albeit at different stages, the policy agenda is still largely...

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  • 2024/12/09

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  • 195449

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  • 2024/12/09

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  • Productive Longevity: What Can the World Bank Do to Foster Longer and More Productive Working Lives? - Rethink Social Protection and Jobs in an Actively Aging World

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