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نحو فهم أفضل للقطاع غير الرسمي في مدن العراق: نتائج مسح منشآت القطاع غير الرسمي (阿拉伯语)

In Iraq, like many countries around the world, the informal sector is a major contributor to employment and business activity. The Iraq Labor Force Survey (LFS) of 2021 estimated that more than half of the workers in the country do not contribute to social insurance, consequently informal. Recent surveys conducted by the Central Statistics Organization (CSO) and the Kurdistan Region Statistics Office (KRSO) in collaboration with the United Nations...

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  • 2023/07/13

  • 报告

  • 183008

  • 1

  • 伊拉克,

  • 中东与北非区,

  • 2023/07/13

  • Disclosed

  • نحو فهم أفضل للقطاع غير الرسمي في مدن العراق: نتائج مسح منشآت القطاع غير الرسمي

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