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Digital Transformation and National Curriculum Reform of Primary and Lower Secondary Schools in Slovakia - Policy Options Note (英语)

The primary objective of this Policy Option Note (PON) is to provide a set of recommendations based on the findings of the analytical work within the project Digital Transformation and National Curriculum Reform of Primary and Lower Secondary Schools in Slovakia. The analytical review of the Slovak education system informs the list of issues and challenges to be addressed. The formulation of lessons learned and points of attention gained from comparator...


  • 2023/01/01

  • 报告

  • 182863

  • 1

  • 斯洛伐克,

  • 欧洲与中亚区,

  • 2023/06/15

  • Disclosed

  • Digital Transformation and National Curriculum Reform of Primary and Lower Secondary Schools in Slovakia - Policy Options Note

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