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Skills Training Needs Assessment in Lao PDR’s Agriculture, ICT, and Logistics Sectors : Korea-Lao PDR Partnership for Better Skills Development and Job Matching (英语)

This report presents a comprehensive skill training needs assessment for the agriculture, ICT, and logistics sectors in Lao PDR. The study relied on a mixed-methods research approach, incorporating literature reviews, focus-group discussions, and a needs assessment survey to inform its findings. The study identifies critical training areas for both Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and skills development within these sectors while...


  • 2024/06/06

  • 报告

  • 190942

  • 1

  • 老挝,

  • 东亚与太平洋区,

  • 2024/06/06

  • Disclosed

  • Skills Training Needs Assessment in Lao PDR’s Agriculture, ICT, and Logistics Sectors : Korea-Lao PDR Partnership for Better Skills Development and Job Matching

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