Minutes of a Meeting of the Executive Directors of the IBRD and IDA and the Board of Directors of IFC and MIGA held on November 28, 2023 and Record of Approvals November 17 thru 28 (英语)
Minutes of a Meeting of the Executive Directors of the IBRD and IDA and the Board of Directors of IFC and MIGA held on November 28, 2023 and Record of Approvals November 17 thru 28
KH-Water Supply and Sanitation Acceleration Project -- P178417,UY-Institutional Strengthening for Greater Competitiveness in Uruguay -- P180638,MW-De-risking Importation of Strategic Commodities -- P500589,3E-Accelerating Sustainable & Clean Energy Access Transformation Program Using the Multiphase Programmatic Approach -- P180547,CI-Côte d'Ivoire Rural Land Tenure Management Strengthening Program -- P179338,UZ-Uzbekistan Digital Inclusion Project -- P179108,7C-Additional Financing for Central Asia South Asia Electricity Transmission and Trade (CASA-1000) Project for Republic of Tajikistan -- P181219,MZ-Mozambique Second Institutions and Economic Transformation DPF -- P178668,CV-Improving Connectivity and Urban Infrastructure in Cabo Verde -- P178644,SB-Building Capacity in Statistics and Audit Project -- P180723,7C-Additional Financing CASA-1000 Community Support Project Tajikistan -- P181346
FY17 - Public Administration
FY17 - Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry
FY17 - Transportation
FY17 - Industry, Trade and Services
FY17 - Water, Sanitation and Waste Management
FY17 - Public Administration
FY17 - Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry
FY17 - Energy and Extractives
FY17 - Financial Sector
FY17 - Public Administration
FY17 - Social Protection
FY17 - Public Administration
FY17 - Energy and Extractives
FY17 - Information and Communications Technologies
FY17 - Energy and Extractives
FY17 - Water, Sanitation and Waste Management
FY17 - Industry, Trade and Services
FY17 - Access to Energy,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - Gender,FY17 - Entrepreneurship,FY17 - Energy,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Energy Policies & Reform,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Labor Market Policy and Programs,FY17 - Rural Development,FY17 - Business Enabling Environment,FY17 - Skills Development,FY17 - Enterprise Development,FY17 - ICT Solutions,FY17 - ICT,FY17 - Geospatial Services,FY17 - Rural Infrastructure and service delivery,FY17 - Regulation and Competition Policy,FY17 - Investment and Business Climate,FY17 - Environmental Health and Pollution Management,FY17 - Social Inclusion,FY17 - Disaster Risk Management,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Urban Water and Sanitation,FY17 - Gender,FY17 - Flood and Drought Risk Management,FY17 - Participation and Civic Engagement,FY17 - Water Resource Management,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Water Pollution,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - Water Institutions, Policies and Reform,FY17 - Urban Development,FY17 - Disaster Risk Management,FY17 - Public Private Partnerships,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Investment and Business Climate,FY17 - ICT,FY17 - Skills Development,FY17 - Jobs,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Flood and Drought Risk Management,FY17 - Innovation and Technology Policy,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - ICT Solutions,FY17 - Disaster Response and Recovery,FY17 - Labor Market Policy and Programs,FY17 - Gender,FY17 - Business Enabling Environment,FY17 - Disaster Preparedness,FY17 - Youth Employment,FY17 - Job Creation,FY17 - ICT Policies,FY17 - Rural Development,FY17 - Rural Infrastructure and service delivery,FY17 - Disaster Risk Management,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Urban Development,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - Disaster Preparedness,FY17 - Public Private Partnerships,FY17 - Gender,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Urban Infrastructure and Service Delivery,FY17 - Flood and Drought Risk Management,FY17 - Public Transport,FY17 - Road Safety,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - ICT,FY17 - Rural Development,FY17 - ICT Solutions,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Disaster Risk Management,FY17 - Disaster Risk Reduction,FY17 - Land Policy and Tenure,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Land Administration and Management,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - Financial Infrastructure and Access,FY17 - Financial inclusion,FY17 - Fiscal Policy,FY17 - Social Protection,FY17 - Public Expenditure Management,FY17 - Gender,FY17 - Fiscal sustainability,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Urban Water and Sanitation,FY17 - Public Administration,FY17 - Jobs,FY17 - Transparency, Accountability and Good Governance,FY17 - Energy Efficiency,FY17 - Renewable Natural Resources Asset Management,FY17 - Job Creation,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Investment and Business Climate,FY17 - Flood and Drought Risk Management,FY17 - Water Institutions, Policies and Reform,FY17 - Water Resource Management,FY17 - Business Enabling Environment,FY17 - Public Finance Management,FY17 - Access to Energy,FY17 - Disaster Risk Management,FY17 - Forests Policies and institutions,FY17 - State-owned Enterprise Reform and Privatization,FY17 - Energy,FY17 - Financial Sector Integrity,FY17 - Energy Policies & Reform,FY17 - Social Insurance and Pensions,FY17 - Financial Stability,FY17 - Urban Development,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Energy Efficiency,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - Energy,FY17 - Energy Policies & Reform,FY17 - Rural Infrastructure and service delivery,FY17 - Municipal Institution Building,FY17 - Gender,FY17 - Social Inclusion,FY17 - Rural Development,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Other Excluded Groups,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Energy Policies & Reform,FY17 - Public Administration,FY17 - Energy,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - Energy Efficiency,FY17 - Participation and Civic Engagement,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Disaster Risk Reduction,FY17 - Public Finance Management,FY17 - Demographics and Aging,FY17 - Social Inclusion,FY17 - Gender,FY17 - ICT Solutions,FY17 - Public Expenditure Management,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Institutional strengthening and capacity building,FY17 - Participation and Civic Engagement,FY17 - Data Development and Capacity Building,FY17 - ICT,FY17 - Data production, accessibility and use,FY17 - Disaster Risk Management,FY17 - Trade,FY17 - Trade Facilitation,FY17 - Trade Policy,FY17 - Trade Logistics,FY17 - Trade Policy,FY17 - Public Expenditure Management,FY17 - Public Administration,FY17 - E-Government, incl. e-services,FY17 - Public Assets and Investment Management,FY17 - Gender,FY17 - Business Enabling Environment,FY17 - Investment and Business Climate,FY17 - Regulation and Competition Policy,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - Trade,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Public Finance Management,FY17 - Domestic Revenue Administration
FY17 - Central Government (Central Agencies),FY17 - Public Administration - Energy and Extractives,FY17 - Energy Transmission and Distribution,FY17 - Urban Transport,FY17 - Public Administration - Transportation,FY17 - Rural and Inter-Urban Roads,FY17 - Trade,FY17 - Sanitation,FY17 - Water Supply,FY17 - Other Industry, Trade and Services,FY17 - Water Supply,FY17 - Sanitation,FY17 - Other Energy and Extractives,FY17 - Insurance and Pension,FY17 - Banking Institutions,FY17 - Sub-National Government,FY17 - Central Government (Central Agencies),FY17 - Forestry,FY17 - Sub-National Government,FY17 - Public Administration - Energy and Extractives,FY17 - Energy Transmission and Distribution,FY17 - Social Protection,FY17 - Other Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry,FY17 - Other Public Administration,FY17 - Public Administration - Information and Communications Technologies,FY17 - ICT Infrastructure,FY17 - ICT Services,FY17 - Public Administration - Energy and Extractives,FY17 - Energy Transmission and Distribution,FY17 - Other Energy and Extractives
Infra AFR Energy 1 (IAEE1); Urban DRM AFR 2 (SAWU1); EFI-AFR1-FCI-Finance-1 (EAEF1); Transport- West Africa + Nigeria (IAWT4); Water East Asia & Pacific Region (SEAW1); EFI-LCR-GOV-FM & PS-2 (ELCG2); EFI-AFR1-MTI-MacroFiscal-2 (EAEM2); Social ECA (SCASO); Infra ECA Energy 1 (IECE1); Digital Dev - ECA (IDD01); EFI-EAP-POV-Poverty and Equity (EEAPV)
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