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Trade and Local Labor Market Outcomes in Mexico : Disentangling the Channels and the Role of Geography, Sectors, and Trade Types (英语)

This study provides new evidence on the local labor market impacts of trade, differentiating between the employment, income, migration, and informality channels. It uses a unique dataset matching information on exports and imports from customs with indicators on employment and labor incomes for around 2,000 Mexican municipalities over 2004–14. The analysis uses an instrumental variable approach that combines the initial structure of trade across municipalities...


  • 2023/02/28

  • 政策研究报告

  • WPS10332

  • 1

  • 墨西哥, 世界,

  • 其他, 拉丁美洲与加勒比海区,

  • 2023/02/28

  • Disclosed

  • Trade and Local Labor Market Outcomes in Mexico : Disentangling the Channels and the Role of Geography, Sectors, and Trade Types

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